JSON-P Callbacks

You can send a ?callback parameter to any GET call to have the results wrapped in a JavaScript function. This is typically used when browsers want to embed content in web pages by getting around cross domain issues. The response includes the same data output as the regular API, plus the relevant HTTP Header information.

curl "https://api.itslanguage.io?callback=foo"
  "meta": {
    "status": 200,
    "Link": [ // pagination headers and other links
      ["https://api.itslanguage.io?cursor=next2", {"rel": "next"}]
  "data": {
    // the data

You can write a JavaScript handler to process the callback like this:

function foo(response) {
  var meta = response.meta
  var data = response.data

All of the headers are the same String value as the HTTP Headers with one notable exception: Link. Link headers are pre-parsed for you and come through as an array of [url, options] tuples.