
In some cases, when performing a GET, not all results are desirable. In such a case a filter can be applied to return selective results. A filter can be specified by using a query parameter. Multiple values for the same filter can be given by specifying the filter multiple times.

For example, when listing entities using the URL /entities the result may be as below:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

        "id": "foo",
        "categories": ["a", "x"]
        "id": "bar",
        "categories": ["x"]

If the API supports filtering on category (see the docs of the concerning API), the results can be limited to a certain category by using a filter. For example, to show only entities in category a the following request can be made:

GET /entities?category=a HTTP/1.1

When desired, a filter can be applied with multiple values. For example, to show only entities in category a and category x the following request can be made:

GET /entities?category=a&category=x HTTP/1.1