
Annotations are notes to specific fragments of audio. These annotations can then be classified. Common classifiers are Prompt, Out of Prompt or Error. Annotations are made by users called annotators. They are able to put these annotations on recorded audio.

An annotator either has the role of full annotator of base annotator. Base annotators only have a subset of labels available to annotate with. The more senior full annotator can correct the base annotators annotation and has an extended set of labels available.

List all annotations

A user with the 'ADMIN' role will receive all the annotations. Non-admins will receive only the annotations assigned to them. See below for further filtering options.


GET /annotations HTTP/1.1

Request parameters

The are no request parameters

GET /annotations?recording=1 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json


The following filters may be applied:

Name Type Description
annotator string The unique identier of the annotator to find the annotations for.
assignment string The assignment for which to find the annotations.
recording string The speech recording for which to find the annotations.
done bool Whether or not and how to filter on the done property. None when all values are allowed, True if only done annotations are desired. False for all not finished annotations.
perPage string Amount of annotations to return.
startCursor string A previously returned cursor to use as an 'offset'.


The response is a JSON list with annotations.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json


Get a single annotation


GET /annotation/:annotation HTTP/1.1
  • annotation - Required The annotation identifier.


GET /annotation/annotation_1 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json


Create an annotation


POST /annotations HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Content: application/json


Request parameters

Parameters should be posted as JSON body.

Name Type Description
id string Optional The unique identier of the annotation. If none is given, one is generated.
doneBase string Optional The datetime this annotation was marked as done by the base annotator.
doneFull string Optional The datetime this annotation was marked as done by the full annotator.
recording string Required The reference to the recording (type
FlatRecordingReference as specified below.
assignment string Required The unique identifier of the assignment this annotation
is for.
fragments list Required The annotated fragments (type Fragment as specified below).

The Recording format (FlatRecordingReference). All parameters together form the full namespace of one audio recording.

Parameters should be posted as JSON body.

Name Type Description
tenant string Required The unique identier of the tenant.
organisation string Required The identifier of the organisation within the tenant
challenge string Required The identifier of the challenge as specified within the
recording string Required The identifier of the recording as specified within the

The Fragment format:

Parameters should be posted as JSON body.

Name Type Description
start float Required The start point of the fragment, in seconds.
end float Required The end point of the fragment, in seconds.
labels list Required The labels assigned to this fragment (type Label as specified

The Label format:

Parameters should be posted as JSON body.

Name Type Description
layer string Required The specifier for the layer (e.g. Words, OutOfPrompt,
Error, Noise).
label string Required The specifier of a particular label within a layer (on the Words layer we would expect the word here).
comment string Required An optional extra value.


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json


Update an annotation


PUT /annotations/:annotation HTTP/1.1
  • annotation - Required The annotation identifier.

Update one or more properties of an existing annotation.

Request parameters

These are exactly as specified in Create an annotation.


The request is exactly as specified in Create an annotation.


The response is exactly as specified in Create an annotation.

Reference Annotations

A reference annotation is an annotation for a specific audio recording, usually generated through forced alignment (matches words in the prompt of the challenge to the audio recording). That leads to annotations on the fragments where a relation between prompt and audio was found (the alignment). No error or out of prompt classes are assigned in an automated fashion. This is the starting point to create human annotations.

Get a single reference annotation

When a reference annotation has been added for a specific recording at an earlier time, this is how to retrieve it. The URL includes the full namespace to the recording.


GET /organisations/:organisation/challenges/speech/:challenge/recordings/:recording/reference HTTP/1.1

Request parameters

These are exactly as specified in Get a single annotation.


The request is exactly as specified in Get a single annotation.


The response is exactly as specified in Get a single annotation.

Update a reference annotation

There's no POST API call to create an annotation. It's basically a property of a recording to update, therefore it's a PUT call. Due to different permissions it requires (an admin would need to impersonate), it's not part of the recording PUT.


PUT /organisations/:organisation/challenges/speech/:challenge/recordings/:recording/reference HTTP/1.1

Request parameters

Parameters should be posted as JSON body.

Name Type Description
annotations list Required The annotations as list of type Fragment (as specified


The response is exactly as specified in Create an annotation.