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ITSLanguage JavaScript SDK

Build JavaScript applications for the ITSLanguage platform.

branch build status
master Build Status
next Build Status

Getting started

Adding ITSLanguage into your JavaScript project is as easy as:

npm install --save @itslanguage/sdk

This will install the latest stable version of the SDK to your project. If you want to live on the edge you can also try and install our @next version. It's just as easy as installing the stable release, just add the @next tag to the install option:

npm install --save @itslanguage/sdk@next

note: for existing users, the v3.0.0 release was a scoped release. This means that you can only install this version by also updating all references to ITSLangauge SDK. An import { Player } from 'itslanguage'; should be refactored to import { Player } from '@itslanguage/sdk';. The reason for this change is fairly simple: we want our users to be sure they install our software and using scopes gives us the opportunity to say so. Only we can push new versions to this scope.

note: if you're using npm >= 5 in your project you can omit the --save flag. That is assumed by default.

note: the ITSLanguage SDK is build with using yarn in favor of NPM. For using the SDK in your own project this is not an requirement.

Warning: this will install the ITSLanguage Javascript SDK as a beta package to your project. Things might not work as expected. For instance the SDK might require a specific backend version to be able to function with this version to work on. So make sure you now what you're doing when installing the next branch to your project. Breaking changes will occur.


The API docs are released with every version from v3.0.0 and onwards. On our GitHub pages we also host the latest version available (current master status). For more information on how to use the SDK the docs are the best place to look. It is an esdoc generated website, which also shows how one can import that is needed. To import the default audio player you can just do this in your project:

import { Player } from '@itslanguage/sdk';

So, for more usage and examples read our documentation on our github pages. For the master version look at the master GitHub pages website. For our @next branch look at the documentation that is included in the packages (the docs folder).


This SDK was build with the browser in mind. However any JavaScript project can use this SDK to build applications for the ITSLanguage platform. There are, however, a few things to keep in mind; mostly the dependencies. Our development on the SDK is based on browser usage. We don't extensively test on other platforms. Do let us know if something is not working. And of course, we accept pull requests!

ITSLanguage JavaScript SDK uses:

  1. The fetch API
  2. URLSearchParams
  3. FormData
  4. WebSocket

It is expected that these are accessible through their global accessors (i.e. by simply calling new FormData(), fetch(...), etc.).

Modern browsers support these (at least to the capacity we use it). Older browsers as well as Node don't necessarily support these because the are, as of writing this, still seen as experimental (browser) features. They are living standards and therefore expected to be implemented in the future.

In the mean time; you might want to look at a few libraries which will add these APIs to your environment. Here are a few we found useful.


  1. whatwg-fetch
  2. url-search-params-polyfill


  1. node-fetch
  2. url-search-params
  3. form-data


  1. isomorphic-fetch

We appreciate any contribution to extend/update these lists. Feel free to contact us on our GitHub page or drop us a line at support@itslanguage.nl

The Next Branch

Our next branch can be used to try out new features that are coming out in the near future. Important to keep in mind is that this version possibly does not work on your ITSLanguage backend environment due to breaking changes. If not sure, drop us a line to find out.

Current status of next branch

These are the items currently we are currently developing on for the @next dist-tag which is available on npm.